site is provided by Kaboom Space Group. Our website aims to bring joy and laughter. Content is mostly copyrighted unless stated otherwise, or if it's clearly general knowledge or old jokes (haha). We respect human rights and diversity, and our jokes are an expression of free speech. We apologize if any content offends, but our intent is to spread joy and humor. Read more in About us
Weather Complaints:
Address: Mount Sinai
Jubilalem District
Mizraim 7777777
Geo-coordinates: 28.5394° N, 33.9750° E
You can also try climbing the mountain yourself. It has worked at least once before. Just a warning: it might not be wise to complain to God.
Phone Number: +20 1.
Email: complaints@heaven.god
Complaints about our Jokes:
If our jokes are ridiculously bad, sit down and think for a moment. If you still want to complain, even about e.g. our political correctness, we apologize if our jokes were so bad or boring that no one had got yet offended. You can always be the first, that is your right. Our right is to speak freely. You can always never come back.
Address for Complaints about bad jokes or whatever, really: Joker's Comedy Office
Gotham City Waste Management Facility
Gotham City, 808080
Geo-coordinates: Deep in the sewer sludge of Gotham
Phone Number: +1 800 HAHAHA
Email: complaints@joker.jokes
Disclaimer: We apologize if God's replies to your messages take an eternity. He receives a lot of complaints. You can also try contacting His alternate office at
Our Alternative Complaint Address below.
If you have particularly fiery complaints that you don't want processed through regular channels, send them to Molok. To ensure your complaint receives the treatment it deserves, send it to the following address:
Molok's Maw i.e. Alternative Complaint Address
Gehenna, Gerusalem Landfill
Postal Code 666
Please note that all messages sent to this address will go directly into Molok's maw and will not be returned or processed. This is a special service for those who want to ensure their complaints burn in eternal flames.
@ Kaboom Space Group &
Accessibily Statemet:
We at Weatherjokes design and content creation teams are committed to making our website accessible to absolutely no one. Our goal is to ensure that every visitor struggles equally, regardless of their abilities.